2024 Sponsorship & Advertising Opportunities IAMIC - Your Trusted and Loyal Partner
When you invest in IAMIC, you INVEST in the future of our Mutual’s. This partnership CREATES a win/win situation. We will help you ENHANCE and BUILD your company’s recognition in the industry while we EXPAND knowledge and EDUCATE members. We will SHARE information and PROMOTE your company through...
- Website Sponsorship
- Event sponsors
- Printed Correspondence Recognition
As a member of the Mutual Industry family, when you advertise in the LAUTUM NEWS, we will…
BUILD recognition and familiarity with your company
PROMOTE your products and services in a cost-effective manner
REACH the decision-makers of Illinois Farm Mutuals
REINFORCE your commitment to the Farm Mutual Industry
ACHIEVE maximum exposure within the Farm Mutual Industry

Don't take our word for it, here are some testimonials from your peers!

SPONSORSHIP for all IAMIC events helps us keep registration fees for seminars low and allows us to secure top-notch speakers
Platinum Partner ~ $7,500
Gold Partner ~ $5,500
Bronze Partner ~ $3,500
Star Partner ~ $2,000
Blue Ribbon Partner ~ $1,000
A La Carte Items Include:
- Breakfast, AM Break & PM Break Sponsors for North & South Regionals, New Managers, Underwriting and Leadership Meetings
- MANY Opportunities for Convention
Thank You for supporting our Association!