IAMIC Membership offers many benefits!Click Here to see the 2024 Associate Member Benefits We have 48 Mutuals in the State of Illinois – most of these are farm mutuals - all operating over 100 years in business. Like farming, mutual insurance has been a part of the Illinois scene for over a century, changing with the times to remain effective. Providing the clout for this type of insurance has been its grassroots nature (neighbor helping neighbor) and the joint strength gained through membership in the Illinois Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (IAMIC). Dating back to when insurance meant neighbors agreeing to replace another’s house or barn that burned, many IAMIC member companies remain primarily in rural areas but now insure people in town as well and include some of the largest companies in the state and nation. Just as farm methods have progressed, so too have the ways of the mutual insurer. The clout of IAMIC companies is reflected in their sheer number. We have merged to become more substantial companies, and our financial strength will ensure we can serve our policyholders for another 100+ years. In Illinois alone, IAMIC members serve almost 120,000 policyholders and perhaps affect the lives of 400,000 people. In a marketplace that has seen the farm population decrease, our premium income increased to over $112 million, and our surplus has increased to over $122 million. We have grown in our niche because we have adapted to changes in farming and in small towns. IAMIC is the catalyst for progress. Supporting the professional staff of the association is volunteers from member companies and experts in varied fields of insurance who serve as Officers, Directors, and committee members. By becoming one of IAMIC's "Preferred" associate members; you will be provided with an electronic membership data sheet that has the key contact at each location as well as a published booklet with photo ID’s. In addition, we have an electronic map designating where each mutual is located to help you as you plan your visits to meet these amazing people. I will tell you that face to face meetings are worth the price of travel when dealing with Farm Mutuals. They get sales calls all the time - showing you're dedicated to the Farm Mutual industry by belonging to the mutual association shows that you are here to stay. Talk about your heritage - you must sell your customer service to survive in today's world, right? That is so important to my members as well. Membership is $500.00 a year and that offers you discounts for all our functions. It also allows you the opportunity to have our "preferred" booth locations at our annual trade show and our claims trade show is only open to associate members! I have attached this year's brochures so you can see what we offer at convention. You can attend any of our education events at a huge discounted rate, and in this case, saving you $200.00 to attend convention! As a member, you qualify to write an article in our LAUTUM news (semi-annual publication) that is distributed to 1000 members. This is a 500/750-word article and we highlight that you are a Preferred Member of our Association. Here is a detail of our Associate Member Benefits. Ready to join? Join HerePrint the Application and Company Data Sheet and submit them to [email protected]. Call Jackie at the office for more details. 217-563-8300 |